A Farey Sequence of Fibonacci Numbers
- Document
- 1975-02
ALLADI, Krishnaswami. A Farey Sequence of Fibonacci Numbers. Separata de: The Fibonacci Quarterly, v.13, n.1, p.1-10, fev. 1975.
A Farey Sequence of Fibonacci Numbers
ALLADI, Krishnaswami. A Farey Sequence of Fibonacci Numbers. Separata de: The Fibonacci Quarterly, v.13, n.1, p.1-10, fev. 1975.
A General Theory of the Second Quantization Methods
SCHÖNBERG, Mario. A General Theory of the Second Quantization Methods. Separata de: Il Nuovo Cimento, Bolonha, n.10, p.697-744, 1 jun. 1953.
LEITE LOPES, J.; FLEURY, N.. A Model for Leptons. Separata de: Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, Bolonha, v.19, n.1, p.7-14, 7 mai. 1977.
A Model-Theory for Tachyons in Two Dimensions
RECAMI, E.; RODRIGUES Jr., W. A.. A Model-Theory for Tachyons in Two Dimensions. Separata de: Gravitational Radiation and Relativity' World Scientific Publ. Comp., p.1-53, 1985. (Em manuscrito "pg. 151-203").
ALLADI, Krishnaswami. A New Logarithmic Function. Separata de: Prof. Srinivasa Ramanujan Commemoration Volume, Madras, p.1-15, 22 dez. 1974.
A Possible Geometric Interpretation of the Electron Jump in the Hydrogenoid Atom
ROCHA E SILVA, M.. A Possible Geometric Interpretation of the Electron Jump in the Hydrogenoid Atom. Separata de: Speculations in Science and Technology, v.1, n.2, p.175-194, 1978.
A Rapid Method to Form Farey Fibonacci Fractions
ALLADI, Krishnaswami. A Rapid Method to Form Farey Fibonacci Fractions. Separata de: The Fibonacci Quarterly, v.13, n.1, p.31-32, fev. 1975.
A Relativistic Equivalence Principle for the Electrostatic Fields of Charged Particles
ROCHA E SILVA, M.. A Relativistic Equivalence Principle for the Electrostatic Fields of Charged Particles. Separata de: Speculations in Science and Technology, Lausanne, v.3, n.2, p.177-184, 1980. (Em manuscrito "Prof Mario Schenberg").
A Statistical Generalization of the Quantum Mechanics (I)
SCHÖNBERG, Mario. A Statistical Generalization of the Quantum Mechanics (I). Separata de: Il Nuovo Cimento, [Bolonha], p.1499-1538, 1 nov. 1953.Artigo referido na carta em IF-MS-IV-02-021-0000-00213-0.
A deterministic explanation of the electron jump in hydrogenoid atom
ROCHA E SILVA, Maurício. A deterministic explanation of the electron jump in hydrogenoid atom. Separata de: Ciência e Cultura, São Paulo, v.31, n.10, p.1135-1140, out. 1979.