Mostrando 94 resultados

Objeto digital
A obra de Jorge André Swieca e o seu papel na física brasileira

A obra de Jorge André Swieca e o seu papel na física brasileira

Acerca de la polarización del vacío

Acerca de la polarización del vacío

Algumas Reflexões sobre a Historiografia Contemporânea da Ciência

Algumas Reflexões sobre a Historiografia Contemporânea da Ciência

An Example of a Relativistic "Red-Shift" Phenomenon - The Hydrogen Line-Spectrum

An Example of a Relativistic "Red-Shift" Phenomenon - The Hydrogen Line-Spectrum

Applications of the concept of strenght of a system of partial differential equations

Applications of the concept of strenght of a system of partial differential equations

Atoms in the developing nations

Atoms in the developing nations

Causal Explanation of Probability Distributions in Classical Statistical Mechanics

Causal Explanation of Probability Distributions in Classical Statistical Mechanics

Causality Implies the Lorentz Group

Causality Implies the Lorentz Group

Chirons, geminions, centauros, decays into pions: a phenomenological and theoretical analysis

Chirons, geminions, centauros, decays into pions: a phenomenological and theoretical analysis

Concepts of Space-Time in Physical Theories - Non-Spatio-Temporal Description and Universal Present

Concepts of Space-Time in Physical Theories - Non-Spatio-Temporal Description and Universal Present

Resultados 11 até 20 de 94