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Harry Messel. A note on the development of the nucleon component of the cosmic radiation in air when ionization losses are accounted for. The Physical Review, v.83, nº.1, pp.26-30.
Harry Messel. A note on the development of the nucleon component of the cosmic radiation in air when ionization losses are accounted for. The Physical Review, v.83, nº.1, pp.26-30.
M. Demeur, C. Dilworth e Mario Schönberg. A probable example of multiple production of mesons. Il Nuovo Cimento, v.IX, nº.1, pp.92-94.
M. Debeauvais-Wack. Action de la base température sur les émulsions nucléaires. Il Nuovo Cimento, nº.10, pp.1590-1594.
Separata: Ajuste de la expansion en la camara de Wilson. Memórias de la C.I.C.I.C., pp.47-63.
R. Richard Foy. Ajuste de la expansion en la camara de Wilson. Memórias de la C.I.C.I.C., pp.47-63.
S. Biswas, E. C. George e B. Peters. An improved method for determining the mass of particles from scattering versus range and its application to the mass of K-mesons. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, v.XXXVIII, nº.5, sec.A, pp.418-439.
M. Reinharz e G. Vanderhaeghe. Application of the capillary tube method to the determination of radiocarbon. Il Nuovo Cimento, nº.12, pp.243-249.
Jean Daudin. Calcul des observations de grandes gerbes. Le Journal de Physique et el Radium s/t, nº.10, pp.301-305.
Jayme Tiomno e John A. Wheeler. Charge-Exchange reaction of the μ-meson with the nucleus. Reviews of Modern Physics, v.21, nº.1, pp.153-165.
M. Demeur, A. Gribaumont e P. Janssens. Contribution a L´etude de la radioactivite induite par le rayonnement cosmique. Mémoires in-8º de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Quatrième Série, T.XIII, fasc.III, pp.538-543.
C. Dilworth, S. J. Goldsack e L. Hirschberg. Determination of the mass of slow particles by the constant sagitta method. Il Nuovo Cimento, nº.11, pp.113-126.