Mostrando 3129 resultados

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Separata: On after-effects in solid dielectrics. The Physical Review, v.57, pp.57-59.

Separata: On after-effects in solid dielectrics. The Physical Review, v.57, pp.57-59.

Separata: On some recent calculations on cascade shower theory. The Physical Review - Letters to ...

Separata: On some recent calculations on cascade shower theory. The Physical Review - Letters to the Editor, v.82, nº.2, pp.259-260.

Separata: On the calculation of average numbers for the electron-photon cascade. Proceedings of t...

Separata: On the calculation of average numbers for the electron-photon cascade. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, v.54, sec.A, nº.15, Dublin University Press Ltda, pp.217-243.

Separata: On the development of the nucleon component of the cosmic radiation in air. Proceedings...

Separata: On the development of the nucleon component of the cosmic radiation in air. Proceedings of the Physical Society, v.LXIII, sec.A, pp.1359-1365.

Separata: On the fluctation of a nucleon cascade in homogeneous nuclear matter and calculation of...

Separata: On the fluctation of a nucleon cascade in homogeneous nuclear matter and calculation of average numbers. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, v.54, sec.A, nº.8, Dublin University Press Ltda, pp.125-135.

Separata: On the multiple production of mesons. The Physical Review - Letters to the Editor, v.74...

Separata: On the multiple production of mesons. The Physical Review - Letters to the Editor, v.74, nº.8, pp.975-976.

Separata: On the nucleon cascade with ionization loss. The Physical Review, v.83, nº.1, pp.21-25.

Separata: On the nucleon cascade with ionization loss. The Physical Review, v.83, nº.1, pp.21-25.

Separata: On the production of cosmic ray mesons. Progress of Theoretical Physics, v.V, n.4, pp.6...

Separata: On the production of cosmic ray mesons. Progress of Theoretical Physics, v.V, n.4, pp.669-681.

Separata: Physique Corpusculaire - Sur l´observation des bursts nucléaires au moyen de compteurs....

Separata: Physique Corpusculaire - Sur l´observation des bursts nucléaires au moyen de compteurs. Comptes Rendus des Séances de L´Academie des Sciences, t.232, pp.1197-1199.

Separata: Physique Cosmique - Courbe de Rossi pour les gerbes abondantes. Comptes Rendus des Séan...

Separata: Physique Cosmique - Courbe de Rossi pour les gerbes abondantes. Comptes Rendus des Séances de L´Academie des Sciences, t.231, pp.572-574.

Resultados 2911 até 2920 de 3129